Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Monthly Fees and Rates

Monthly Service Availability Fee:

Usage (gallons) Rate per 1,000 gallons
0 - 3000 $12.67
3001 - 6000 $12.76
6001 - 10000 $12.91
10001 - 20000 $13.11
20001 - 50000 $13.35
50001 - 100000 $13.97
> 100000 $14.96

Other Rates and Fees

Late Fee Greater of $5.00 or 10% of outstanding balance
Reconnect Fee $75.00
New Membership $1800
Meter Set and Tap $1700
Road Crossing for Meter Set (if needed) $1200
Transfer of Membership $150

Line extensions are quoted per project based upon prevailing costs for pipe. materials and machine costs..

Size of line extensions will be determined by the Corporation manager and engineer.  Generally all line extensions on section line road will be a minimum of 6" diameter.